Natalia’s Flower Garden

Natalia Star's flower-garden

Flower Garden Salad and Raw Vegan Meal

Natalia Star's Raw Vegan Flower Garden

Natalia Star's Flower Garden Salad

On the left: Natalia’s cucumber salad… cucumbers cut in cubes, with olive oil and pepper.

Main: Stuffed bell peppers. To make the stuffing, mix shredded romaine leaves, zucchini, a tiny bit of alfalfa sprouts, chopped peanuts, olive oil, cumin and curry powder.

On the side: carrots in olive oil with paprika.

Natalia StarThis recipe from Natalia Star of Oceanica Wellness.

Natalia’s Raw Vegan Carrot “Cake” SaladEnsalada “tortita” de Zanahoria de Natalia

Natalia's Carrot Cake Salad

This fantastic recipe comes from Natalia Star of Oceanica Wellness. Natalia has created a masterpiece that is nearly too pretty to eat.

Carrot Cake Salad  - grated carrot and alfalfa sprouts on top  of kale

Ingredients: Carrots, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli, sun dried tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, paprika, kale.

natalias carrot cake salad 2

Preparation instructions: shred two large carrots and a small head of broccoli. In a large bowl, mix the aforementioned shreddings with some alfalfa sprouts, sun-dried tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and paprika. Press the mixture into the shape that you like, and top with more sun-dried tomatoes. Surround it with small bouquets of kale. Enjoy!

natalias carrot cake salad 3

Natalia Star

Natalia is the founder of Oceanica Wellness. Her writing is uplifting and inspirational. She wants to help you to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and is my co-hostess in our 7-day Raw Vegan Challenge.

Esta fantástica receta viene de Natalia Star de Oceanica Wellness. Natalia ha creado una obra maestra que es casi demasiado bonito para comer.

Carrot Cake Salad  - grated carrot and alfalfa sprouts on top  of kale

Ingredientes: zanahorias, brotes de alfalfa, brócoli, tomates secados al sol, aceite de oliva extra virgen, jugo de limón fresco, pimentón paprika, col rizada.

natalias carrot cake salad 2

Instrucciones de preparación: triturar dos zanahorias grandes y una pequeña cabeza de brócoli. En un tazón grande, mezcle los shreddings mencionados con algunos brotes de alfalfa, tomates secos, aceite de oliva virgen extra, zumo de limón recién exprimido, y el pimentón. Presione la mezcla en la forma que te gusta, y encima con más tomates secados al sol. Rodea con pequeños ramos de la col rizada. Disfrute!

natalias carrot cake salad 3

Natalia Star

Natalia es el fundadora de Oceanica Wellness . Su escritura es edificante e inspirador. Ella quiere ayudarle a disfrutar de un estilo de vida saludable y es mi co-anfitriona en nuestro Desafío Crudi-Vegana de 7 días.

Kristina’s Raw Holiday Salad Ensalada Festiva de Kristina!

Kristina's Holiday Salad

Here is another fabulous recipe from FullyRaw Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram. She calls it her FullyRaw Holiday salad but I promise that it tastes just as delightful at any time of the year. You may be able to make this recipe exactly as shown, but you should also feel free substitute any raw fruit or vegetable that you can find locally.

Here is the amazing video:


Here is a list of the ingredients that Kristina used to prepare her FullyRaw Holiday Salad:

  • 2 large cauliflower
  • A few radishes
  • 2-3 zucchinis
  • Cumin
  • 2-3 small cucumbers
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1-2 avocados
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 head of celery
  • 1 jicama
  • 1/4 cup of pine nuts
  • Green onions
  • 3 rainbow bell peppers
  • Lemons
  • Chopped chives
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Fresh dill


Aqui va otra receta fabulosa de Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram. Ella la ha bautizado “Ensalada Festiva” pero sabe igual de rico en cualquier dia del año. La puedes preparar exactamente asi o puede agregar o sustituir cualquiera otra fruta o vegetal crudo que se puede conseguir localmente.

Aqui esta el buenisimo video (en ingles):

Estos son los ingredientes que Kristina utilizo para preparar su  Ensalada Festiva:

  • 2 cabezas de coliflor
  • Rabanos
  • Tomates Cherry
  • Limones o limas
  • 2-3 pepinos
  • 1/2 cebolla morada
  • 2-3 zucchinis
  • Eneldo
  • 1 cabeza de apio
  • 1 jicama
  • 1-2 aguacates
  • Cumin
  • Cebollina
  • 3 pimentones
  • multicolores
  • 1/4 taza de piñones
  • Ajo