Modern Saunas and Steam Baths for Health, Relaxation and Detoxification

Modern Saunas and Steam Baths for Health Relaxation and Detoxification

The practice of bathing with heat dates back to the stone age, roughly 2,000 B.C. and became popular worldwide under different names. The Chinese called their heated caves “bath houses”, the Native Americans called their heated tents “sweat lodges” while the Finns built wooden rooms they called “saunas”.

In Finland today, there are more saunas than cars. This may be the best explanation for why Finland is often ranked the happiest country in the world, and one of the healthiest, despite its decidedly unwelcoming climate.
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Wiggly - by Michael Ducharme

Everything in the Universe is either hard, soft, or wiggly. After reading this little book, you and your family will understand that it is best to be wiggly.

You were born wiggly. In fact you were even wigglier before then. If you are still wiggly as you read this, you should learn how to stay wiggly. If you are not presently wiggly, you need to get wiggly.

Wellness is the natural, loving, joyful state of being. Wellness is your birthright. It is freedom from every kind of illness: physical, mental and emotional. Wellness is within your reach, and even easy to attain.

Wiggly is a book by Michael Ducharme, published by Medicalegal Publishing, available at in paperback, hardcover and e-book.

You can also read Wiggly for free here.

Dr Andreas Noack’s Warning to the World about Covid Jabs

Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist and a graphene expert, revealed that each of the most popular jabs contained “nano sized razor blades” made of graphene hydroxide, a material with “zero biological degradability” and “the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick”.

The German doctor added “If you understand that razors are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear. The heart is cut up. The brain is cut up. Blood vessels are cut up. You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little. It destroys the heart. All the heart attacks. All the strokes.”
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We Are All Pink Inside

All humans are esentially similar. We have a common design, and are subject to the laws of physics. We all have te same nine core needs. We are all made of wiggly pink tubes.

Celebrating our differences is great. But focusing too much on our apparent differences is futile.


Vegan Sushi is the sexiest sushi by far. Emptying the sea of fish is decidedly unsexy and it will happen by 2048 according to an international team of ecologists and economists if humans continue consuming animals. Go vegan today and help us stop the sea (and land) apocalypse now.

As you can see, Vegan Sushi is sensuous and sexy. It has all the colours, textures, shapes and taste of your favorite sushi rolls, but it’s much better, because it’s completely cruelty-free.

The Nine Human Needs

Vida Lotus 9 part system for wellness summary“Vida Lotus” or the Lotus Lifestyle, is a simple, powerful and flexible nine-part system for achieving wellness of the body, mind and soul.

To easily recall the nine parts of this system, you can imagine an 8-petal lotus flower with love at the center.

Here are the nine elements of Vida Lotus:

To Love is the central point of Vida Lotus.

To Love is the very essence of your being, and the reason for all creation. Love is your core, and fear is the opposite of love. So definitely don’t be afraid to love. Love yourself. Love others. Love the universe itself. Love love. You can even love fear. Whatever you do, don’t fear love. I suggest you try your best to love all people, even those that would harm you. That doesn’t mean you have to like them or their actions. “To love” in essence, means to wish wellness for the other, and a willingness to help them achieve it. When our “enemies” heal, we all win.
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Abundant green and purple basil is preventative medicine for your body and mind. Mix in other medicinal herbs like Chives, garlic, sage, oregano, dill, mint, rosemary, mangueyita for synergistic benefits. Top with Mushrooms for their fleshy texture and avocado for healthy fats and creamy texture.