
Sushi végétalien est de loin le sushi le plus sexy. Vider la mer de poissons est décidément peu sexy et cela arrive en 2048 selon une équipe internationale d’écologistes et d’économistes si les humains continuent de consommer des animaux. Devenez végan aujourd’hui et aidez-nous à arrêter l’apocalypse maritime (et terrestre) maintenant.

Comme vous pouvez le voir, Sushi végétalien est sensuel et sexy. Il a toutes les couleurs, textures, formes et goûts de vos rouleaux de sushi préférés, mais c’est beaucoup mieux, car il est totalement sans cruauté.


Pain Pita et Ceviche

Qui n’aimerait pas un bon trio… De ceviche vegan ! 1. Mangue, aloe vera, basilic, sauge. 2. Champignons, tomate, paprika jaune, basilic violet, aneth, romarin. 3. Concombre, paprika jaune, coriandre, ciboulette, menthe.




Le basilic vert et violet abondant est un médicament préventif pour votre corps et votre esprit. Mélangez d’autres herbes médicinales telles que la ciboulette, l’ail, la sauge, l’origan, l’aneth, la menthe, le romarin, la mangueyita pour des bienfaits synergiques. Garnir de champignons pour leur texture charnue et d’avocat pour des graisses saines et une texture crémeuse.



La seule chose plus sexy que deux pizzas végétaliennes est de les partager avec deux végétaliennes sexy. Nous, les végétaliens, sommes beaucoup plus sexy que les carnistes pour les raisons suivantes :

1. Les végétaliens ont un plus grand flux sanguin vers toutes nos parties parce que les plantes n’ont pas de cholestérol. Cela signifie des érections plus dures et des orgasmes plus forts pour les hommes et les femmes (oui, les organes sexuels féminins deviennent également en érection lorsqu’ils sont excités ).

2. Les végétaliens ont plus d’endurance car la digestion des plantes est rapide et facile.

Redefining Pizza, from Addictive Drug to Superfood

The Original Pizza Recipe was Delicious but Flawed

Pizza is an Italian specialty dish that has spread across the globe in a million variations. In some cases, the only resemblance to the original is its characteristic disk shape. Millions have invented “new” versions of pizza, usually by adding ingredients. Sadly, few have had the courage (or the knowledge) to address the two major problems with the original Neapolitan recipe. Continue reading “Redefining Pizza, from Addictive Drug to Superfood”

Raw vegan food can eliminate migraines and transform your health completely

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

The way that Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram transformed her life and her health is truly inspiring. At sixteen she was pre-diabetic with hyperglycemia. By eighteen, she suffered awful migraines, insomnia, depression, nausea, constipation, hair loss, skin problems, lack of confidence and her blood sugar issues remained. Continue reading “Raw vegan food can eliminate migraines and transform your health completely”


Mixed berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

Here are a few varieties of berries, with their names in English and in Spanish. Berries mostly originate in cold climates. Each has its unique color and size and taste and nutrient content. Despite these obvious differences, in Central and South America, the name “mora” is often given to any berry except strawberries. The correct generic term for berries, “bayas”, is almost never used. The word “Arandano” is often used for both blueberries and cranberries. Hopefully this page will help clear up any confusion over the correct terms for several popular berries in English and in Spanish.

If you would like to make a delicious raw vegan pie with mixed berries, see my recipe for berry-rhubarb pie.

Vana’s Raw Vegan Pizza

vana's raw vegan pizza

Here is an exciting recipe for all pizza-lovers… In the following video, Vana will show you how to make a delicious and beautiful pizza that is also good for you. Vana’s recipe does require a food dehydrator, though. For those that do not have one, I am working on finding an alternative, perhaps using the sun’s infrared rays… stay tuned. Those that do have a dehydrator will love this recipe… Continue reading “Vana’s Raw Vegan Pizza”