
The videos on this page are all related to health and wellness, with an emphasis on nutrition and prevention of cancer. For other interesting videos on a variety of topics including history, yoga, music and more, please go here.

Music Video shot at Vida Lotus with beautiful clouds and the piano music of Michael Ducharme

The Benefits of a Raw Vegan Diet, by Michael Ducharme

Videos on Nutrition

Loren Lockman describes the body’s natural immune response to cooked food

Dr. Robert Young on Prevention

Protein from Plants

Videos on Cancer

Andreas Moritz says Cancer Cures Itself

Vitamin D (generated by exposure to sunlight) has a 77 percent success rate against cancer. Chemotherapy, by comparison, has about a 2% success rate.

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures

Dr. Coldwell says every cancer can be cured in 2-16 weeks

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