Health, Wellness & Healing
All humans have one thing in common: the quest for wellness. This is true even for those that have never heard the term “wellness” and for those that know the term but do not understand it completely. It is hard to imagine a person that wishes to suffer physical or mental pain. Those that do suffer, certainly will equate wellness to an absence of these pains. But wellness goes beyond the absence of pain. True wellness includes the ability to carry out one’s mission, and that mission is dictated from deep within the heart and soul of each person. So it’s natural that each person will have a different take on wellness. And a true wellness professional should be willing to help you achieve your goals.
Focus Topics

The Lotus Lifestyle
The Lotus Lifestyle is a simplified 8-part plan to re-balance our lives to attain near-perfect wellness of the body, mind and soul. You don’t need to buy a single thing to improve your lifestyle. You will find amazing results simply by getting back to the basics of good breathing, adequate sunshine, clean water and organic veggies. And no matter which activity you are focused on at the moment, do it with love!
Martial arts and Yoga are two ancient systems that are highly valuable, yet so often misunderstood. You may be surprised that very often, martial arts provides a shorter, faster route to the same things people often look for in a yoga class: flexibility, physical and mental strength and inner peace.
Energy Healing restores the normal energetic flow, thereby eliminating the root cause of many physical, mental and emotional illnesses. There is no magic or voodoo here, just a practical, hands-on, results-oriented system to unblock the flow of energy in your bodymind.
My Wellness Glossary defines many of the general terms, diseases and food items that this site refers to frequently. Here, you will find some standard definitions as you would find in a dictionary, or as accepted by international health organizations. But for some terms, I’ve added deeper insights that may seem radical today. But in a few years these ideas will have made it to the main stream. My Articles and Videos sections contain selected articles, studies and informational videos pertaining to health, wellness and healing.